NFT Gaming Meaning Decoded: MetaApe Games

Meta Ape
3 min readApr 6, 2022

Many people see NFTs gaming as an unestablished area and are still confused by how exactly it works. MetaApe is here to shed some light on the subject. So, if you are a newbie in the cryptocurrency and NFT world then you should stick around till the end to get the deeds.

What Are NFTs?

NFTs also known as Non-fungible Tokens are items on the blockchain each one being unique. They are digital assets with a real-time value secured by cryptography and where ownership can be proven. What makes NFTs different is that each one of them is unique and is not interchangeable.

photo by starline | freepik

NFT art is in the hype, people are investing in Non-fungible Art as a collectible digital asset. But NFT is more than that, you can also start your own NFT Collection as a gamer If you are not into art.

Now you own your digital assets in the MetaApe game and earn money building on them and trading it!

How Does NFT Gaming Work?

The Non-Fungible Gaming Model is quite different from the normal games you have played. In this world, there are NFT Characters that are collectibles and hold real-time value. These NFT Characters are your avatars to enter the game which holds special powers and features.

You can buy and sell NFT characters for a profit. This gaming model allows you to earn money while playing it. Many people have now started taking NFT gaming a lot more seriously because they can earn a second stream of income by investing their time playing a game.

In fact, 2022 is going to be the year of play to earn (P2E) because there are millions of people around the world that play games like Fortnite, and they spend money in game on various skins and items, but it’s purely for the play on what’s coming is played to earn gaming where you actually own the items in the game and can trade them or sell them on a secondary market. And as you are playing, you are earning a cryptocurrency that is liquid and can be traded for Bitcoin or for US dollars or whatever currency the markets will allow you to trade it into.

- Joel Comm

So, what are you waiting for? Start your NFT Gaming journey with MetaApe Universe now!

MetaApe Games

MetaApe is here to bridge the gap between creating a reality you enjoy. MetaApe is a metaverse environment where people utilize avatars and NFTs Characters to enter the MetaApe Metaverse environment.

In the MetaApe Metaverse environment, people play roles; they make their avatar enter the game (only with having MetaApe NFT Game Cards) to the environment and discover the virtual spaces already created in the metaverse world.

Thanks for reading.

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